Quebec Chapter | Government Relations

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Meetings with 8 Government Stakeholders
As part of National Golf Day, the NGCOA Canada – Quebec Chapter had the privilege of meeting with no less than eight different government stakeholders, with another meeting scheduled for September and more being planned. These meetings were extremely positive and led to very promising follow-ups from policymakers. During the meetings, we received a lot of interest and attention on several issues, especially the tax inequity that has plagued the golf industry for decades. One of our meetings with the political attaché of the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Finance sparked significant interest, leading to another meeting with senior advisors from the Québec Ministry of Finance. A highly productive exchange!
NGCOA Canada has asked other golf associations to discuss the next steps and plan for the next National Golf Day in 2025. By planning well in advance, it will allow everyone to prepare adequately and participate effectively from all golf associations. By uniting our strengths and sharing our ideas, we can continue to build a stronger and better industry.
The NGCOA Canada encourages you to contact your provincial member to share your concerns with this ready-to-send letter (French only). You only need to make two changes and send it to the email address of their constituency office.
Due to a 53-year-old tax reform, Quebec businesses cannot deduct their expenses when meeting clients on golf courses. The golf industry has been discriminated against in the Tax Act because of a policy change made in 1971. Since then, the economy has radically changed in Quebec. Businesses of all types can deduct 50% of entertainment expenses incurred with their clients in many other areas, such as sporting events, concerts, and other shows. The golf industry should be treated the same way as other entertainment industries it competes with. Golf is one of the most valued ways to establish and maintain business relationships.
NGCOA Canada Defends the Golf Industry in Quebec • September 20, 2023
NGCOA Canada was at the Transport and Environment Commission to protect the golf industry in Quebec in the face of Bill 22 - Law concerning expropriation.
CLICK HERE for the memo submitted to the Transport Commission (available in french only). For any questions, please contact David Bérubé C: (581) 989-7600.
Press release:
Here is the press release sent to the media explaining how NGCOA Canada protects and defends the golf industry. If you are contacted for an interview, please contact Charles Bernard, Impact Public Affairs C: (819) 674-9604.
Expropriation and Zoning Act for Golf Courses
May 25, 2023 | Projet de loi no 22 | Loi concernant l’expropriation (French only) |
Reference the table below for the most recent updates from NGCOA Canada:
January 30, 2023 | click here |
Novmber 8, 2022 | click here |
October 13, 2022 | click here (French only) |
September 8, 2023 | click here |
Minimum Wage Increase May 1
Your new Quebec Chapter President is bringing renewed attention to the issue of golf as a deductible expense for businesses in Quebec. Through her recent interview in Golf Martial Lapointe (available in French only) and meeting with the MP for Quebec, as well as other political figures, Nadia Di Menna is making sure that the issue of Golf as an Allowable Business Expense is front of mind with the Quebec government. You too can help ensure that this issue remains in the forefront by contacting your local MP and media and ensuring your voice is heard.