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British Columbia Chapter | Members' Clubhouse

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Featured articles from NGCOA Canada's latest edition of the hub newsletter.
Golf Invitational

Thank you For Attending

On Tuesday, August 13, we gathered at the popular Northview Golf & Country Club for the NGCOA Canada BC Chapter Golf Invitational. The event was a fundraiser for the Jeff Ciecko Benevolent Fund! We came together to support this important initiative and took the time to remember our friend Jeff through a fun day of golf with chapter colleagues. As always, there was fun, games, beverages, and lots of tasty treats throughout the day. Attendees also had the opportunity to do a bit of business and engage with our Golfmax vendors on the course!

HR Covered

Register Your Team!

Join us from November 19-21 at the Calgary Telus Convention Centre for a mission-critical event that will transform your business. This conference is your gateway to high-level briefings, breakout sessions, and unparalleled networking opportunities. With keynote speakers like Rhett Evans and Paul Huschilt, you'll leave equipped with the strategies and insights you need to master the business of golf.

Register Here

Please contact me at ay time if you have questions or need more information on any of the NGCOA Canada programs or services.

866-626-4262 | extension 40