British Columbia Chapter | Government Relations

Click on the links below to find out more information on items related to Government regulations and/or issues.
- Part 6 – Pesticides, this regulation only applies to those at work, public and non-working staff fall under the IPM Act in BC.
- Restricted intervals for pesticide application - This is a good news item. Prior to the change WorkSafe made us wait a minimum of 12 hours (depended on the LD50, its toxicity) before allowing workers back in the area. Now we can follow the re-entry interval (REI) time on the label, which is in most cases for golf is when the product has dried. There are a few products that don’t have a re-entry on the label or are longer then above, so you must follow the new regulations. Final winter apps containing Chlorothalonil are a good example.
- Informing Workers – Slight changes to this regulation but fairly self-explanatory.
- Restricted intervals for pesticide application - This is a good news item. Prior to the change WorkSafe made us wait a minimum of 12 hours (depended on the LD50, its toxicity) before allowing workers back in the area. Now we can follow the re-entry interval (REI) time on the label, which is in most cases for golf is when the product has dried. There are a few products that don’t have a re-entry on the label or are longer then above, so you must follow the new regulations. Final winter apps containing Chlorothalonil are a good example.
An employer must ensure that workers occupying, or who may access, that portion of a field, building, structure or area in which pesticides are to be applied are informed of:
(a) the intent to use pesticides,
(b) the names and types of pesticides to be applied,
(c) the hazards associated with the use of those pesticides, and
(d) the precautions required during the operations.
- Part 8 – High visibility apparel, essentially everyone working around mobile equipment travelling 30km/h or less must have at least Class 1 apparel meeting the CSA standard. This includes those working around golf carts in motion or in parking lots.
- Safety headgear, this one can get messy. WorkSafe is not satisfied with just giving a hard hat “where there is a risk of head injury to the worker from falling, flying or thrown objects”. As owners and managers, we are required to eliminate the risk, obviously not possible in the golf industry. So, we must follow the other control measures before we get to PPE.
(i) engineering controls; Roofs and cages on equipment
(ii) administrative controls; Operating Procedures to reduce the risk of getting hit
(iii) requiring the worker to wear safety headgear. The final step
- Part 16 – Mobile equipment, the “Musts”
a. Do pre-operational checks that must be accessible for a minimum of 2 years when deficiencies are noted.
b. Keep floors, controls, decks, stairs on equipment clean and free of any debris, tools or anything that could cause a slip, trip or fall or cause to lose control.
c. Seatbelts in all equipment operated by workers, see point “g” as seatbelts and ROPS go together.
d. Designated walkways or safe work areas must be used to separate pedestrians from areas of operation of mobile equipment. Referring to inside shops and around areas of the club house.
e. Loads must be secured when transporting.
f.Procedures for tire/rim inspections, mounting/de-mounting, inflation and installation. Persons inflating a tire must stay out of the potential explosion trajectory.
g. Rollover protective structure (ROPS) required for all mobile turf equipment weighing more than 400kg. Exempt if a qualified person has completed a written rollover risk assessment respecting the mobile equipment and determined there is no, or only a minimal, risk of rollover. I would be very careful when doing a risk assessment that comes out low-risk for roll-over. If there was an incident, someone was hurt and WorkSafe decided that the risk assessment was wrong, they could charge the company for all medical expenses and lost wages, including potential earning if someone was seriously hurt or worse.
This, especially part 16, is just a brief description, I would highly encourage members to read the regulations carefully. I am always happy to help navigate the WorkSafeBC jargon, please feel free to contact me.
Keith Lyall, Superintendent
The Golf Course at Sun Peaks
WorksafeBC has eliminated the need for ROPS for golf carts. This however does not include equipment such as beverage carts and other mobile equipment.
For the complete revised proposed amendment to Part 16 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation click here.
Although it is great news that golf carts will not need ROPS, there are still a few items that require further clarification:
- If an operator on a mower can see 360° is a mirror required? Sec 16.26
- Does a turf-truckster/utility vehicle (e.g. Toro Workman) require “warning signal device” when hauling material? Sec 16.28
- Define a “Golf Cart”. Does a cart modified with a utility box still classify as a cart? Sec 16.23 (2)
- Clarify ride-on, sit-down turf care equipment heavier than 400 kg (882 lbs) manufactured after [date of coming into in force], 2020. Does this mean that all equipment under 400kg will never need ROPS or will all equipment regardless of weight need ROPS after 2020? Sec 16.34 (3) (c)
- In the Definitions “significant risk of rollover” states anything over 10% slope is significant, when does a ME require wire or synthetic rope and an anchor required? After slope rating in Owner’s Manual? Example, a Toro 3100D Sidewinder Operator’s Manual states “As the slope angle increases to a Toro recommended maximum limit of 25 degrees (46.63%) the risk of a rollover increases to a moderate level.” Sec 16.15
At the meeting or via online feedback can also include comments on the review of Part 8: PERSONAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT. This is focusing on High Visibility and Distinguishing Apparel Sec 8.24 and workers working around mobile equipment. Subsection 2 details equipment moving 30 km/h or less requiring high visual (high vis) apparel meeting the standard of CSA Standard Z96-15 in Classes 1 to 3 depending on the site. Click here for details.
Two points for clarification:
- Does a Golf Professional teaching on course (working) need high vis due to golf cart and golf maintenance mobile equipment?
- What is the distance between equipment working and the need for high vis for workers on foot? Example, a worker on foot on green with a mower cutting a tee, fairway or rough on the same hole.
If you have any questions on this matter please contact NGCOA Canada at 866-626-4262.