Weather Report
world-class industry research & strategic guidance
Maximizing the investment return at your facility through world-class industry research & strategic guidance to help you make informed decisions is a high priority for NGCOA Canada.

Click on the links below to download Weather Reports.
A reminder that National Reporting for Rounds Played and Weather runs from April to October with the exception of British Columbia where we do reporting year-round. Regular National reporting resumed with May reports in 2023.
In 2017, NGCOA Canada introduced its standalone monthly Weather Report exclusively for its membership which shows the average weather score as submitted by golf operators on how weather impacted their business in a given month.
The report includes MTD, YTD and 5-Year comparisons of average operator weather scores.
• Rounds Played and Weather are inherently linked
• Better understand your results and your performance compared to other clubs
• Surveys are sent via email the first week of each month (in conjunction with Rounds Played Survey)
• Reports are emailed to participating courses the first week of the following month.
• Reports show regional (when minimum 5 courses participate), provincial & national aggregated data.